
Congratulations on booking a Fab Science party! We’re looking forward to wowing your young scientists with awesome experiments! We’ve got nearly a thousand parties behind us so we’d like to share our top tips for a perfect science party…

Should parents stay or go?

Parties always go better when parents are asked to drop and go! It may sound scary to be left with lots of children and no grown-ups but it really does work better. You’ll always get a few parents who will stay anyway if their children are nervous or are likely to need more support. Then you can enjoy the party without having to make teas and cater for everyone. And chatty parents (and little siblings) at the back of the room are the biggest distraction at any party!

Should we have a bouncy castle or facepainter?

No, you really don’t need them! We fit around 6 different activities into an hour so there’s plenty of fun stuff without adding anything extra. An hour of experiments (plus 10-15 minutes to allow for latecomers), a bit of time for food and cake…then there’s hardly any time left. Just bring some music for dancing afterwards and it will be the end of the party before you know it.

If you do choose to book a bouncy castle, we ask that it is deflated during the science. Facepainting really doesn’t work as the children wear goggles for the experiments and they smudge the designs. If you do go for facepainting this shouldn’t start until after we finish (usually 75 minutes after the party start time).


Balloons are great for decorating and creating the party atmosphere. If you are having loose balloons on the floor for playing, it’s best to keep these bagged up until after science. They are a big distraction and if any get popped early on, there can be tears before the party even gets started!

Food and science don’t mix!

Sweet tables and snack stations are very popular with children (and adults!)…but please keep them until after the experiments. As we all remember from school…no eating in the science lab! We don’t use anything toxic for our experiments but we still recommend that everyone avoids touching any food until they’ve washed their hands at the end.

Setting up for science

If you are hosting the party at home, we usually just move the chairs out of the way and get everyone stand around the dining table. They can see the demos and have a go at the experiments themselves. We can bring folding tables if you prefer (and have space). It’s always best to use a room with a hard floor. If you have a larger group, please bear in mind that we need enough space for them to watch demos and do their own experiments. Give us a call if you want to discuss how best to make it work.

In a hall, we’ll need a table or two for demos at the front and room for the children to sit on the floor to watch. Then a few tables for the children to use for their own experiments (no chairs needed).

Your presenter(s) will be there around 30 minutes before the party starts to set up. They will move tables around as needed.

Setting up for the rest of the party.

Think about places for…


Putting presents and cards

Hanging coats

Displaying the cake

If at home, are there any spaces that are off limits? Tell the birthday child beforehand if you don’t want them taking everyone upstairs to show them their bedroom!

What do I need to provide for the experiments?

Nothing! We bring everything! We just need somewhere to park (science doesn’t travel light), access to a sink and hot water. We bring bowls and towels for the children to wash their hands, trays to catch spills, stickers to make name labels, goggles to keep everyone safe, activity sheets and pens to keep early-birds occupied while waiting for late-comers…and lots of awesome experiments!

What else do I need to bring?

The guest list

Food (or get a pizza delivery)

Drinks (and jugs)

Plates and cups

A Sharpie to label cups/bottles/party bags/anything!

Napkins (plus extras if wrapping cake for party bags)

Tablecloths (for food tables)

Decorations (and blu-tack, Sellotape, string, scissors)


Candles and lighter or matches

Cake knife

Party bags (we can provide these, see options here)

Speaker/music  – download a playlist in case of signal problems and bring a charger. Also Alexa can refuse to connect to your phone if it’s not on Wi-Fi!

Bin bags, tea towels, kitchen roll, wipes

Big bags for carrying presents home

If making teas…don’t forget the milk!


When you book your birthday party, there are so many things to think about: food, entertainment (Fab Science obviously!), party bags, guest lists, decorations…the list goes on! And where are you going to have all this fun? Here are some venue options if you don’t fancy having it at home. We aim to keep this list updated but please let us know if you spot any problems. 

Wendens Ambo Village Hall 

Outdoor play area and cricket pitch next door. Enclosed garden area and parking for up to 12 cars. £40 per half day session. Reduced rates available for residents. For booking, call 01799 540903. Website www.wendensambo.org.uk


Clavering Village Hall

Nice hall, plenty of parking and tables already set up for you! £12 per hour. Field and playground attached. Booking and enquiries email claveringvhall@hotmail.co.uk

Stapleford Pavilion

Plenty of parking. £30 admin charge, which includes 1st hour, then £15 ph. Reduced rates for Stapleford residents. To book email clerk@staplefordparishcouncil.gov.uk Website www.staplefordparishcouncil.gov.uk 07840 668048

Wicken Bonhunt Church Hall

Hall is in the church so can’t be used during services. Nice space but no parking.  Price in region of £20-£30 for 3 daytime hours. Email joanmorgan44@yahoo.co.uk for information and bookings.

Little Walden Village Hall

Cheap to hire and plenty of parking but tricky to find. Keysafe arrangement for hirers. For booking and enquiries, call 07765 678718 or email lwaldenhallhire@gmail.com.

Sewards End Village Hall

Hall adjacent to village green.  3 hours hire for village residents £30 (non-residents £40). Kitchen area available but bring your own tea towels, bin bags and glasses (unless glass hire pre-arranged).  Website www.sewardsendvillagehall.co.uk

OSCA (Old School Community Association) Henham

In region of £40 for day’s hire. Rates reduced for village residents.  For booking and more information call 01279 850266. Website www.henham.org.

Duddenhoe End Village Hall

Hall has a children’s outside play area attached. Half day or full day bookings. Rates on request. Contact 01763 838937 for booking and general information on hire. Website www.devh.org.

Newport Village Hall

A reasonable venue with parking on-site. £35 per hour for children’s parties with a £30 deposit required. Contact 07949 639114 or email bookings@newporthall.org.uk. Website www.cc2-live.co.uk.

Fairycroft Community Centre

A choice of rooms, some of which are slightly oddly shaped! Limited parking but good for smaller parties. For enquiries call 01799 668069

Friends Meeting House

This is a nice hall for many events but not great for science parties. There is no parking on-site, just high street parking. Contact 01799 521832 or email saffronquakers@googlemail.com

Booking your Fab Science party: get in touch with us first to check dates. We’re always happy to hold a date for a few days while you check out venues. 



2020 has been a very strange year! The Fab Science lab has been closed down for months but we’ve dusted off the test tubes, dug out the goggles and tested the rocket launchers (they didn’t need testing, we just like launching rockets!). We’re back and raring to go!

Fab Science parties have been completely redesigned to allow for social distancing, while still being just as much fun. You can choose from a hands on experimenting party or an interactive science show. We know it’s a tricky time to plan anything, so booking is totally flexible. We can get a date in the diary and you can keep your options open on numbers, venue, type of party…even the date can change if necessary! There is no deposit to pay and we’re happy to accommodate last minute changes.

Let’s get experimenting!

Have a go at concocting your own colour changing potions and erupt heaps of foam at a hands on science party. At the moment this is only available for small  parties; each child has their own lab station with everything they need to try out all of the awesome experiments. Everything is thoroughly cleaned for each event and we can bring tables and even gazebos if needed. With the ‘rule of six’ for social gatherings, we need to keep to a maximum of 6 people (including at least one responsible adult). The party presenter does not count as part of the six as workers are exempt and we make sure we keep our distance! Bigger groups will be able to have hands on experimenting as soon as the guidance allows…book now and we can tailor a party to suit you .

Super Science Show

Brand new for 2020: an interactive show with awesome science tricks, exploding lemonade, pourable clouds, inflatable marshmallows, magic balloons and mini rockets! We believe kids should get stuck in to science so we inspire them in the show and give them lots of ideas of things to try at home. As this is a performance, it makes social distancing much easier so it’s suitable for larger groups in a Covid secure venue. Please note that this is a Covid secure performance and the children will need to remain seated throughout. It will not be possible to do party food or a disco afterwards (unless restrictions are lifted before your party date).


To keep everyone safe, we need to stick to the current guidance for events and any restrictions put in place by your venue. Our presenters will wear a mask while setting up and packing up and will need to have enough space to be physically distanced from the audience during the show. We thoroughly clean all equipment for each event and encourage regular hand washing during and after the experiments. We would advise that parents drop and go as any parents that stay will need to be counted in the numbers allowed by the venue. They will also need to remain seated throughout. We will do a risk assessment of the venue to manage how people will move around safely and we will arrange the seating to allow for social distancing. Don’t worry though, our presenters will make it all so much fun, the kids won’t even notice that we’ve had to make these changes!

We’re keeping up to date with the latest guidance and we’re happy to discuss any concerns that you may have. We will work with you to make the perfect party that will be the talk of the playground! For more information on our parties visit our party page or contact us to book today.



At Fab Science we want to create the perfect party for your young scientist…right down to the party bags!

We have three options to choose from; standard, premium and a special one for Harry Potter potions parties. We bring the party bags along to your party, ready filled and left open for you to add the cake.

Standard party bag – £4.50

Each bag contains:

  • a mini experiment kit – pH indicator paper to try out some kitchen science
  • rainbow glasses – make all lights look like rainbows!
  • a test tube full of jelly beans
  • a ping pong ball – to recreate one of the experiments from the party
  • a glow stick
  • ideas of experiments to try at home

Premium party bag – £7.50

Encourage every guest to carry on experimenting at home with their very own science goggles! The premium party bags also include some very cool ‘rattle’ magnets, a mini experiment kit, rainbow glasses, a test tube full of jelly beans, a ping pong ball, a glow stick and ideas of experiments to try at home.

Potions party bag – £6

Perfect for a Harry Potter potions party! Young witches and wizards can make a note of all their spells and potions in a Hogwarts notebook. Make sure muggles can’t read your spells by writing with the special ‘magic’ pen. This pen writes in invisible ink and has a UV light in the lid so that only you can read it! The party bags also contain a mini experiment kit, rainbow glasses, a test tube full of jelly beans, a ping pong ball, a glow stick and ideas of experiments to try at home.


When you book your birthday party, there are so many things to think about: food, entertainment (Fab Science obviously!), party bags, guest lists, decorations…the list goes on! And where are you going to have all this fun? Here are some venue options if you don’t fancy having it at home. We aim to keep this list updated but please let us know if you spot any problems. 

Hertford Methodist Church Hall

Nice hall with easy access to outside space for exploding lemonade! Plenty of parking and a small, enclosed courtyard. Note that although the address is Ware Road, the car park is accessed from Townshend Street (which is one way so go via Railway Street). Contact for bookings: Chris Lawn — 01992 552669

Sele Community Centre

This is a nice, modern hall and you can book just half or both sections. Plenty of parking and nice kitchen. Morning or afternoon session – £65 whole hall, £35 one section. Email janet.guinn@yahoo.co.uk  or call 07904 340951. Website www.selefarmcomunitycentre.co.uk.

Hornsmill Community Centre

Very nice hall but limited parking and a bit tricky to find! £10 per hour. For enquiries, email hornsmillcommunitycentre@gmail.com. Online booking only. Website www.hornsmill.co.uk

The Mission Room, Hertford Heath

Tiny hall but good for small parties. Perfect for Potty Potions as has a definite feel of Hogwarts! The kitchen is quite small (and the toilet is accessed through the kitchen), no car park but have never had trouble finding somewhere to park on the road. Only £20 for a whole morning or afternoon session. Booking information at www.hertford-heath-church.org.uk/mission-room.

Port Vale Scout Hut

Quite modern for a scout hut! Parking is OK, just make sure you come into Port Vale via Beane Road as the town end of Port Vale doesn’t connect to this bit! Contact 01992 302444 or email Jan: hallhire@3rdhertford.org.uk.

Waterford Village Hall

Older style hall but has a park and field right outside. Good for rocket launching!  Morning or afternoon hire is £75 at weekends or Monday to Thursday is £47. Waterford and Stapleton residents will receive reduced rates. (£50 or £28). Contact 07584 123958 (Monday-Friday 5-8pm only) or email waterfordvillagehall@gmail.com. Website www.waterfordvillagehall.co.uk.

St John’s Church Hall, Hertford

Older style hall with more modern kitchen. £17.50 per hour and parking for 15 cars. Contact  07538 141853 or email hall@stjohnshallhertford.org.  Can book online from the website www.allsaintshertford.org/hall.

Hunsdon Village Hall

Self-contained rear garden; part paved, part lawn. Limited parking but usually plenty of high street parking. Hire charges – weekdays £12 per hour. Weekends £15 per hour. Additional £10 per 4 hours to hire kitchen. Contact bookings@hunsdonvillagehall.org or visit www.hunsdonvillagehall.org.

Tonwell Village Hall

£10 per hour. Contact 07795 985551 or email tonwellvillagehall@gmail.com

Standon and Puckeridge Community Centre

Contact 07854 916404 or email info@standonandpuckeridgecc.co.uk for information and hire rates.

3rd Ware Scout Hut

For enquiries, email bookings@3rdwarescouts.org.uk. Website www.3rdwarescouts.org.uk.

Thundridge Village Hall

Small carpark. Monday to Friday and Sun – £42 for 4 hours hire. (£28 for residents). Saturday 10:30-1 -£40 (£28 residents) or 1-6pm – £65. (£40 residents). Contact 01920 467152. Website www.thundridge-wadesmill.co.uk.

Booking your Fab Science party: get in touch with us first to check dates. We’re always happy to hold a date for a few days while you check out venues. 


When you book your birthday party, there are so many things to think about: food, entertainment (Fab Science obviously!), party bags, guest lists, decorations…the list goes on! And where are you going to have all this fun? Here are some venue options if you don’t fancy having it at home. We aim to keep this list updated but please let us know if you spot any problems. 

Ugley Village Hall

We like this hall as it has a verandah outside…perfect for exploding lemonade even if it’s raining! You can hire both rooms so have a separate space for the food and there’s plenty of parking. £6 an hour for small hall, £10 an hour for larger one. Contact 01279 814052 to book.

Great Hallingbury Village Hall

This hall has a huge field attached, great for summer picnics…and even has enough space for rocket launching! Decent kitchen, separate room for food and oodles of parking. £10 per hour. Contact 01279 651757 to book.

Bishop’s Park Community Centre

Choice of halls and you can book the garden too which is nice in the summer. Plenty of parking in Tesco carpark and handy having Tesco next door for anything that gets forgotten! Kitchen and tables are shared between both halls. Club room £9.38 an hour, main hall £13.13, garden £7. Book via Town Council: 01279 715004 or click here for online booking.

Thorley Community Centre

Two halls with shared kitchen. Close to a field so may be able to try a rocket launch and next door to the pub for the grown-ups to recover after the party! Plenty of parking. Small hall £8 an hour, large hall £13. Only available on Sunday afternoons as they have regular bookings all day on Saturday and Sunday morning. www.thorleycommunitycentre.co.uk

Markwell Pavilion

Two halls, each with its own kitchen. Nice central location (it’s in Castle Gardens) but parking can be tricky. You can usually park one car next to the venue but all guests would have to park in town and walk over. Main hall £10.50 and hour, Elsie Barrett Clubroom (smaller but still good size) £9 an hour, both together £16. Book via the Town Council: 01279 715004 or click here for online booking.

Parsonage Lane Hall

You have the park right outside which is great for keeping kids entertained while you are setting up! Plenty of parking. £11 an hour. Click here for website.

St Michael’s Mead Community Centre

Small hall is suitable for parties up to around 15 children and has its own kitchen. It also has a door opening straight out onto a small garden area. The main hall is huge! Great for big parties and has a large kitchen. Plenty of parking. Main hall £20 an hour, small hall £10 an hour.

Little Hadham Village Hall

Large hall with a park and huge field next door (enough space to launch rockets!), plenty of parking and a good sized kitchen. £18 an hour (£15 for village residents). Click here for website and online calendar or email lhvhbooking@gmail.com.

St John’s Hall (Stansted)

Big hall with a good kitchen. Parking can be a bit tricky, especially if there’s a church service or wedding on! £9-£10 per hour, contact st.johns.church@btinternet.com or click here for website.

Hockerill Scout Hut

Not the most beautiful or modern of buildings as it’s a Scout hut but it’s a big space with a decent kitchen. Bit tricky to find as it’s down a tiny little lane off Heath Row. Contact for booking: 01279 863789 or email valerie.judge@1stbishopsstortford.org.uk

Manuden Village Hall

A bit pricey at £26 an hour but a bright, modern, large hall. Full catering kitchen, plenty of parking and outside space. Click here for website.

Havers Community Centre

Two halls which can be made into one large space by folding back the dividing wall. Parking is a bit limited. Main hall £10.20 per hour, small hall £8.20 or both for £16.40. Book via the Town Council: 01279 715004 or click here for online booking.

Albury Village Hall

Beautiful building with children’s play area outside, modern kitchen and parking. £17 per hour (£12 for Albury residents). Click here for website.

Farnham School Hall

This is a school hall but self-contained with it’s own kitchen and toilet. It’s a bright, modern hall and having the playground is great for keeping kids entertained while you’re setting up. There’s enough room for rocket launching in the playground too! Call 01279 771339 or email admin@farnham.essex.sch.uk for bookings.

Booking your Fab Science party: get in touch with us first to check dates. We’re always happy to hold a date for a few days while you check out venues. 



Potty Potions parties by Fab Science are perfect for young witches and wizards! Professor Fab (an actual witch) will visit your home or party venue and show you how to make colour-changing potions, levitation spells, expanding marshmallows, toothpaste for giants and magically inflating balloons. If you’re really lucky, you might even get to try your hand at Patronus training! With dry ice special effects and spells from Professor Fab’s magic book to make it a truly magical experience for Hogwarts fans.

You can ask your friends to don their robes (or come disguised as muggles) and have their wands at the ready. We don’t provide the decorations or food but we’re happy to share ideas from other potions parties that we’ve been to. We’ve seen amazing cakes such as this Golden Snitch by the very talented Caroline at Knebworth Cakes or you can make a very effective spell book from a simple rectangular cake. You might use a Marauder’s Map to hunt for the party bags or hide little Golden Snitches around the venue for guests to seek out while waiting for everyone to arrive. Lay out long tables for a feast in the Great Hall and use the sorting hat to work out the seating plan! Stock up on cut-price decorations after Halloween if you are planning a wizarding science party soon. We’ve collected some of our favourite ideas on our Harry Potter Pinterest board.

You’ll probably want to make some butterbeer; cream soda with a bit of vanilla ice cream to froth it up seems to be a popular recipe but you can make it any way you like. As long as you tell the guests it’s butterbeer…then it IS butterbeer! You can buy ‘genuine’ wizarding sweets such as every flavour beans and chocolate frogs online. However, it would only be a little cheat to use standard jelly beans and Freddos though! Make labels for jars, drinks or plates of food using the aptly named ‘Harry P’ font.

There are a million ideas for decorations, food, drink and games on Pinterest…but there’s only one Professor Fab! Contact us today for availability and a quote.

Mischief managed!

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