
About us


Our parties and activity days are designed by Fab Scientist Emma Ranade, a qualified Science teacher who loves the fun and fascination of science. We have been running events since 2012 and have worked with thousands of children at over 600 parties, holiday clubs and school workshops. We work across Hertfordshire, Essex, Cambridgeshire and North London.

Every activity is thoroughly tested by kids and only makes it into one of our packages if it meets their exacting standards: maximum fun, hands-on experimenting and the wow-factor. Safety is paramount and we only use child-safe materials.

Our aim is to inspire children to be excited about science, enhancing their learning in school and giving them a life-long love of the subject.


I started Fab Science pretty much by accident! This is how we got to where we are today…

I was always a geek. As a child I wanted to understand how everything worked. I set up experiments in the cellar to find out just how much mould can you grow in a jar. I wanted to answer questions like; does it make a difference if you put water or milk or jam in it? Does it matter if it is light or dark? How many mouldy jars does a 7-year-old need to abandon in the cellar before she gets shipped off to boarding school?

Fast forward a few years and channeling my scienciness into academic pursuits got me a degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics. My final year project saw me growing bacteria in litres of nutrient broth…just a more high tech version of my mould-in-the-cellar tricks! Then, not content with school, college and university, I thought I’d do a bit more university and go back to school as a teacher. Teaching science is amazing. Seeing students’ eyes widen as they see microscopic organisms and learn about the vastness of space. Witnessing the fascination held by simple things such as rocks and plants and being able to help them to understand it all. And you get to explode stuff, who doesn’t love exploding stuff?

In between all this sciencing, I got married and had two awesome boys. When Boy Number One turned six, he asked for a science party for his birthday. Now, I like doing parties (the previous year had involved me dressed as a pirate, a home-made treasure chest pinata and pretty much our entire house done out as a pirate ship). I also like doing science. So Fab Science was born, with the very first party being for my own little Fab Scientist. Before I knew it, friends of friends of friends were asking for parties and it has grown and grown from there. We’re now a team of fabulous Fab Scientists and we’ve done many hundreds of parties, science camps and school workshops and I couldn’t be more proud. I’m now in charge of designing new experiments, inventing new science camps and I still get to explode stuff. I seriously love my job!

Emma Ranade

