


FAB SCIENCE is a limited company registered in England. FAB SCIENCE Limited is a provider of Science and educational activities such as, but not limited to, holiday clubs, workshops, individual or group training. Services are provided to young people, teachers and other professionals at a variety of locations from public venues to private homes.


1.       General.

(a)    The terms conditions and warranties contained in the sellers’ confirmation of order shall constitute the whole of the contract between the buyer(s) and FAB SCIENCE Limited (the seller(s)) and all orders are placed under these terms and conditions alone.

(b)   These terms and conditions exclude any other terms and conditions inconsistent therewith which the buyer might seek to impose even though such other terms and conditions may be submitted in a later document and/or purport to exclude or supersede any terms and conditions inconsistent with them or may be contained in any offer acceptance or counter offer made by the buyer.

(c)    No variation of these terms and conditions is permitted unless expressly accepted by a director of the sellers in writing.


2.       Website and other publicity material.

(a)    Products and Services offered by the seller are outlined on the company website and from time to time through printed or other publicity materials. Catalogues, price lists and other advertising matter are only an indication of the type of services offered and no prices or other particulars contained therein shall be binding on the seller.

(b)   If a particular service, activity or other particular service is specifically required this must be requested in writing and will only be provided subject to written acceptance and confirmation of the seller.

3.       Photography and Promotional Material.

The seller reserves the right to take photographs, video and digital or other such images for use on their website, social media and in promotional material such as but not limited to brochures, flyers and other published material. Parents may withdraw this consent in writing when booking events.

4.       Estimations and Quotations.

(a)    The estimate or quotation which comprises an invitation to treat is open for a period  of  thirty  days  only  from  the  date  thereof  provided  that  the  sellers  have  not previously withdrawn it. Any booking issued by the buyer is subject to acceptance by the sellers and a contract will only be formed when the sellers have accepted the buyer’s booking in writing and payment received.

(b)   Any offer made by the buyer orally must be confirmed in writing. Only bookings confirmed in writing shall be binding on the seller.

5.       Booking.

(a)    All bookings must be completed in writing using the sellers official booking form.

(b)   All bookings must be accompanied by the full remittance covering the complete service to be provided.

(c)    Partial remittance will only be accepted if agreed by the seller in writing prior to the booking.

(d)   Any booking received which is not accompanied by the full or agreed payment will be deemed as not accepted. The seller will make every reasonable effort to alert the buyer such that payment can be made immediately but any booking will only be provisionally held for a maximum of five working days at the sole discretion of the seller.

(e)   The minimum age for participation in holiday clubs offered by the seller is five years of age on the date of the event.

(f)     Proof of age may be requested but it is the sole responsibility of the parent or guardian of the participant to ensure compliance with this requirement.

(g)    Any sibling or other discounts offered by the seller are offered at their sole discretion. Proof of identification may be required to qualify for any discounts offered.


6.       Payment, Acceptance and Variation.

(a)    Any booking shall be deemed accepted upon receipt of a completed booking form with  full remittance (unless otherwise agreed in writing) and upon issue of the sellers written confirmation.

(b)   Any variation to the booking requested by the buyer shall be reasonably considered by the seller. Should the request, at the sole discretion of the seller, be deemed unacceptable the terms of the original booking will stand.

(c)    Where the booking variation is acceptable to the seller;

i.            If additional payment from the buyer is necessary to cover the amendment, this will be required immediately prior to acceptance and confirmation by the seller.

ii.            If no additional payment is required the seller will confirm the revised booking as soon as practicably possible.

7.       Cancellation and Refunds.

(a)    In the event of cancellation by the buyer no refund will be made.

(b)   Transfer of a booking to a third party is not permitted.

(c)    Any variation of these cancellation conditions will be at the sole discretion of the seller and be a Goodwill gesture only.

(d)   The sellers shall not be liable for any failure to deliver any goods or services arising from circumstances outside their control.

(e)   Non-exhaustive illustrations of such circumstances would be, illness of an event leader, road traffic or other such accident, an act of God, war, riot, explosion, abnormal weather conditions, fire, flood, strikes or delay by suppliers of materials or labour resulting from such events.

(f)     Should the sellers be prevented from delivery of goods or services in the above circumstances it shall give the buyer notice of this fact as soon as reasonably practicable after discovering it.

(g)    If the contract is cancelled in this way the sellers will refund any payment which the buyer has already made (subject to deduction of any amount the sellers are entitled to claim from the buyer) but the sellers will not be liable to  compensate  the  buyer  for  any  further  loss  or  damage  caused  by  the  failure  to deliver.

8.       Participant Behaviour and  Exclusions.

(a)    It is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure that the seller is aware of any special educational needs, medical, behavioural or other conditions which may affect their or others’ participation in an event.

(b)   The seller will make every reasonable effort to accommodate any such requirements notified in advance but the seller reserves the right to refuse participation in any event at their sole discretion.

(c)    The seller may terminate participation at any stage to any person who is participating under false pretences or who has not disclosed such information prior to commencement of the event.

(d)   The seller may refuse participation to any person who is or appears to be unwell at their sole discretion.

(e)   The seller shall not be responsible for the administration, supervision or application of any medicines or other medical requirements which a participant may have. The seller reserves the right to refuse participation where the buyer has not made full and adequate provision for such requirements to be dealt with by an appropriate parent or guardian.

(f)     Late arrival to an event will be considered on a case by case basis but the seller reserves the right to refuse participation to any attendee arriving more than 25 minutes after the start time and no refunds will be given.

(g)    Good behaviour, consideration and safety of all event participants are of the essence.

(h)   The seller may terminate participation at their sole discretion of any person who is behaving in a disruptive, threatening, unhygienic or manner which jeopardises the safety and enjoyment of themselves or others.

(i)      In such a case no full or part refund will be given and any participation of future events will be at the sole discretion of the seller.

(j)     The seller will not be liable to  compensate  the  buyer  for  any  resultant  loss  or  damage  caused  by such a termination of participation.

9.       Event Facilities and Safety.

(a)    Where an event is taking place in a location of the buyers choice it is the sole responsibility of the buyer to ensure that the venue;

i.          Has appropriate permissions authorisation and safety features for such an event to be hosted.

ii.          Is a safe and secure environment.

iii.          Has all necessary emergency evacuation routes and that all participants are made aware of these prior to commencement of the event.

iv.          Has adequate insurances and indemnities for such an event to be hosted.

v.          Has sufficient access, parking, space, facilities, toilets or other such basic requirements to enable the event to be hosted in a satisfactory manner.

(b)   Events hosted at a private or residential location must have sufficient access to enable loading and unloading of event materials. Where access may be restricted for any reason the buyer most notify the seller in advance such that adequate provision can be made.

(c)    The seller will not be liable for any costs incurred as a result of such a situation where advance notification has not been provided. Any such costs incurred will be payable prior to commencement of the event and any resultant time lost will the liability of the buyer or made up at the sole discretion of the seller.

(d)   For events hosted at a venue chosen by the buyer and where the seller has not been requested to provide additional staff coverage, the buyer is responsible to ensure that adequate supervision for the number of participants is provided.

(e)   The seller reserves the right to limit participant numbers or increase the contract cost should adequate supervision not be available or if participant numbers exceed those agreed in the accepted booking.

(f)     In such circumstances any payments to cover additional participants will be payable prior to commencement of the event at a rate defined in the estimation or quotation.

10.   Legal.

The contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and all disputes arising in connection with the contract shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the English courts.