
When you book your birthday party, there are so many things to think about: food, entertainment (Fab Science obviously!), party bags, guest lists, decorations…the list goes on! And where are you going to have all this fun? Here are some venue options if you don’t fancy having it at home. We aim to keep this list updated but please let us know if you spot any problems. 

Hertford Methodist Church Hall

Nice hall with easy access to outside space for exploding lemonade! Plenty of parking and a small, enclosed courtyard. Note that although the address is Ware Road, the car park is accessed from Townshend Street (which is one way so go via Railway Street). Contact for bookings: Chris Lawn — 01992 552669

Sele Community Centre

This is a nice, modern hall and you can book just half or both sections. Plenty of parking and nice kitchen. Morning or afternoon session – £65 whole hall, £35 one section. Email janet.guinn@yahoo.co.uk  or call 07904 340951. Website www.selefarmcomunitycentre.co.uk.

Hornsmill Community Centre

Very nice hall but limited parking and a bit tricky to find! £10 per hour. For enquiries, email hornsmillcommunitycentre@gmail.com. Online booking only. Website www.hornsmill.co.uk

The Mission Room, Hertford Heath

Tiny hall but good for small parties. Perfect for Potty Potions as has a definite feel of Hogwarts! The kitchen is quite small (and the toilet is accessed through the kitchen), no car park but have never had trouble finding somewhere to park on the road. Only £20 for a whole morning or afternoon session. Booking information at www.hertford-heath-church.org.uk/mission-room.

Port Vale Scout Hut

Quite modern for a scout hut! Parking is OK, just make sure you come into Port Vale via Beane Road as the town end of Port Vale doesn’t connect to this bit! Contact 01992 302444 or email Jan: hallhire@3rdhertford.org.uk.

Waterford Village Hall

Older style hall but has a park and field right outside. Good for rocket launching!  Morning or afternoon hire is £75 at weekends or Monday to Thursday is £47. Waterford and Stapleton residents will receive reduced rates. (£50 or £28). Contact 07584 123958 (Monday-Friday 5-8pm only) or email waterfordvillagehall@gmail.com. Website www.waterfordvillagehall.co.uk.

St John’s Church Hall, Hertford

Older style hall with more modern kitchen. £17.50 per hour and parking for 15 cars. Contact  07538 141853 or email hall@stjohnshallhertford.org.  Can book online from the website www.allsaintshertford.org/hall.

Hunsdon Village Hall

Self-contained rear garden; part paved, part lawn. Limited parking but usually plenty of high street parking. Hire charges – weekdays £12 per hour. Weekends £15 per hour. Additional £10 per 4 hours to hire kitchen. Contact bookings@hunsdonvillagehall.org or visit www.hunsdonvillagehall.org.

Tonwell Village Hall

£10 per hour. Contact 07795 985551 or email tonwellvillagehall@gmail.com

Standon and Puckeridge Community Centre

Contact 07854 916404 or email info@standonandpuckeridgecc.co.uk for information and hire rates.

3rd Ware Scout Hut

For enquiries, email bookings@3rdwarescouts.org.uk. Website www.3rdwarescouts.org.uk.

Thundridge Village Hall

Small carpark. Monday to Friday and Sun – £42 for 4 hours hire. (£28 for residents). Saturday 10:30-1 -£40 (£28 residents) or 1-6pm – £65. (£40 residents). Contact 01920 467152. Website www.thundridge-wadesmill.co.uk.

Booking your Fab Science party: get in touch with us first to check dates. We’re always happy to hold a date for a few days while you check out venues.