
We love experimenting and making things explode! We also like quiet time to read…but still about science! So here are a few of our favourite science books for children…

The Element in the Room: Investigating the Atomic Ingredients that Make up your Home. Presented as a case for a detective, this book gets kids thinking about chemistry in a really interesting way.

See Inside Science (Usborne). We love this book! My sons had this from aged 5 and still find things in it that are interesting several years later. The other ‘See Inside’ books are also great. See Inside your Body is full of facts about poo and other gruesome stuff!

Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World (Rachel Ignotofsky). A beautifully illustrated book about some amazing women, it includes the most famous as well as many you may not have heard of. It is possibly a bit too focussed on American scientists but an interesting read and easy to dip into.

Whizz Pop Bang. While not actually a book, I can’t miss an opportunity to mention this fantastic magazine. My kids still fight over it every month and they love trying out the experiments. It’s a great balance of facts and activities, all presented in a fun and interesting way. It is subscription only at the moment but you don’t have to sign up long term. You even get an email before the magazine arrives giving you a kit list…just add a few bits to your weekly shop and your kitchen will be a science lab on Whizz Pop Bang day!

Get Set Go Science. OK, we might be a biased on this one as they are written by Fab Science founder Emma Ranade! These are activity books specially designed to compliment the Key Stage 1 curriculum. The pages are wipe clean so you can try the activities again and again.

Happy reading!